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Demonkidz Dollworks…

…HellBent on Havin' Fun!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

MEDEA - on Ebay now!

Please help us welcome "Medea", our cute little 17inch, soft bodied vampire baby! She has tons of charm, showing off her 'sharp as steel' pearly whites, and dressed in her Mary Janes and vintage customized dress!
To view her directly, click this ungawdly long link:

OR you can visit the Purchase page to view our new and nifty ebay button :D

Please remember to check the etsy shop for new wee ones, and feel free to take a gander at the site...I've done a lot of updating, so there are lots of pics, new info and most likely scores of typoes all scattered about... *grin*
Thanks for peekin' in, and...HAVE FUN!
-Mare and the 'Kidz

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Saturday, June 6, 2009


The 'Kidz now have their 2009 creation photos up and running!
Also, if you have photos of your own 'Kidz dolls, please email me and you could be featured in our brand new"Havin' Fun" Gallery!
Please check the "Adopted Dolls" page for info, pics and fun!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

News and Updates, OMY!

Happy June, everyone!
First, I have a couple of new dolls in the 'Kidz shop. Moloch, as pictured, and an odd little creation called "Mariposa". Please check them out by using the link provided:
Secondly, I have been busily updating the website! FINALLY! I should have all dolls from late 2008 and early 2009 pictured in the photo gallery by the end of this week, and have revamped a few other sections of the site as well. Included in this is a link to the DemonKidz ebay ID and 'available items', which is listed in the "Purchase Dollz" section. Hopefully at the end of the week I will have a couple more Kidz up for bids, starting at extremely low keep checking in!
I'd also like to thank everyone who has been emailing and keeping tabs on myself and the Kidz. I've said it once, I'll say it forever - the Fans of the Kidz ROCK. Thank you so much for keeping the 'Kidz 'alive' and going strong the past 7 years!
- Mare and the 'Kidz